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Abstract Background

Dealing with Disclosures of Abuse

The Bible clearly teaches that all forms of abuse are wrong. In direct contrast, love, other-person centeredness and care are the hallmarks of the believer (Galatians 5:19-26).  Furthermore, Jesus’ life & words teach that those in positions of power are to humbly serve others (Mark 10:42-45). King Jesus, possessor of all authority in heaven and earth, embodied and exemplified this teaching by becoming a servant who suffered and died in the place of sinful humanity (Philippians 2:1-11). Consequently, abuse in any form is not tolerated at North Beach Baptist Church.


North Beach Baptist church has a policy to assist anyone associated with the church to recognise and appropriately respond to actual or possible experiences or observations of abuse, be it physical, emotional, sexual, institutional, financial, domestic or elder abuse.


10 Groat Street, North Beach, WA

9448 7018

Office Hours:
9am-5pm weekdays

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